Bill of Costs/Costs Statements
Our expert costs lawyers and consultants are across all relevant legislation, scales of costs and case law to ensure your entitlements are fully captured in an itemised bill.
Drawing an accurate and compliant Bill of Costs is an art. Recoverable costs vary by jurisdiction.
Our expert lawyers and consultants are well-versed in the different costing requirements of all Australian jurisdictions.
They are across the relevant legislation, scales of costs and case law to ensure your entitlements are fully captured in an itemised bill.
A Bill of Costs provides a detailed itemisation of your professional costs and disbursements.
If costs are required to be assessed or taxed in the Court, the party seeking to recover costs is usually required to prepare, and file and/or serve, an itemised Bill of Costs.
Bills drawn on an inter-partes basis are referred to as ‘costs statements’ in the Queensland jurisdiction and as ‘itemised costs accounts’ in the Family Court.
Solicitor/client Bills of Costs are drawn pursuant to the terms of a costs agreement or, if the agreement is void or invalid, on the basis of fair and reasonable costs.
In Victoria, in the event a costs agreement cannot be relied upon, the Practitioner Remuneration Order will apply in non-litigated matters.
Party/party Bills of Costs are drawn pursuant to the relevant basis of charging in each jurisdiction. The Federal, Victorian and Queensland Courts, for example, have their own scales of costs. New South Wales requires costs to be fair and reasonable, which often means they are calculated and claimed in accordance with the relevant agreement.
A bill of costs provides a detailed itemisation of your professional costs and disbursements.
If costs are required to be assessed or taxed in the Court, the party seeking to recover costs is usually required to prepare, and file and/or serve, an itemised bill of costs. Bills drawn on an inter-partes basis are referred to as ‘costs statements’ in the Queensland jurisdiction and as ‘itemised costs accounts’ in the Family Court.
Solicitor/client bills of costs are drawn pursuant to the terms of a costs agreement or, if the agreement is void or invalid, on the basis of fair and reasonable costs. In Victoria, in the event a costs agreement cannot be relied upon, the Practitioner’s Remuneration Order applies in matters where the matter is non-litigated.
Party/party bills of costs are drawn pursuant to the relevant basis of charging in each jurisdiction. By way of example, the Federal, Victorian and Queensland Courts have their own scales of costs. New South Wales requires costs to be fair and reasonable, which often means costs are calculated and claimed in accordance with the relevant costs agreement.